Q. In a nutshell, what is GENIOS? A. The name, GENIOS is derived from "Generic I/O System." GENIOS is a VSE enhancement which treats all sequential file types in a single generic way. Data files reside on the network rather than Mainframe DASD and are in a form equally accessible and useable by either the VSE system or by PC applications. Q. Can the VSE system access data directly from the network? A. Yes, and vice versa. Either system can process data created by the other. Q. Is GENIOS some new file transfer system or API? A. Not at all. GENIOS interfaces transparently with your existing VSE applications. No recompiling or reprogramming is necessary. Q. How does GENIOS work? A. You simply include a special DLBL statement in your JCL. The DLBL contains the path and file name and location of the file on the network. When your VSE program opens the file, GENIOS intercepts the open, connects to the network, locates and opens the file. GENIOS services all GETS and PUTS from the VSE program, automatically performing any needed translation or other data conversion, for example, EBCDIC/ASCII, forms control, etc. Q. How does GENIOS compare with FTP? A. Not only is GENIOS much easier to use than FTP, it saves the time of the transfer and the space required by the second copy of the file. With GENIOS, you process the data right where it is created. Time and storage savings are substantiaI. GENIOS is much more than just a file transfer system. For instance, if you are even thinking about Virtual Tape or Disk you should look at GENIOS first. Q. How does GENIOS compare with Virtual Tape or Disk. A. For one thing. GENIOS handles both tape and disk files genericaIly so it's like having both Virtual Tape and Disk and its much less expensive than either one. GENIOS utilizes your inexpensive Network Disk storage providing massive amounts of online real time storage availability. GENIOS is not a tape emulation so it eliminates the hassle of virtual mounts, duplicate volumes. etc. Furthermore, an emulated tape cannot be directly processed by a PC program, whereas files created via GENIOS can be readily accessed by Tape or Disk VSE programs and PC applications as well. Q. What about speed and efficiency? A. GENIOS supports both channel attachment as well as TCP/IP connectivity. When channel attached, GENIOS will approach the speed of Local Mainframe DASD. When using TCP/IP to copy a file, the speed will be similar to FTP. However, you will usually save the time of the transfer because you normally won't have to transfer the file before processing it. Q. Is GENIOS the next "must have" VSE system software product? A. Without a doubt. GENIOS brings your VSE system into the next century. GENIOS treats all your sequential data the same and allows network and main frame applications to seamlessly access the same data; in other words, "true heterogeneous data sharing" at the file level. From a cost justification point-of-view, GENIOS combines the functionality of file transfer, report distribution, Virtual Tape and DASD, and storage management all in one easy to use, inexpensive package. |